Friday, May 20, 2011

General things I've learned and tried - Baby #1

  • Wear a bikini top in the shower the first few weeks.  It protects you from the spray, and then stops you from dripping all over as you towel off.
  • Eat-Play-Sleep really does work, and makes for a predictable, happy baby! 
  • Sometimes, babies go on "nursing strikes."  Mine has started to go on one if I don't nurse him in a quiet area!  I used to be able to talk on the phone, watch Hulu, or listen to a podcast, but now that Mr. Social is more aware of his surroundings, he will not eat well if there is something else going on!  Who knew?!
  • After delivery, hormones change, and hair goes into a resting phase, then falls out!  I'm losing so much hair right now (for me, I noticed the hair loss right after my son started losing his baby hair, around 3 months postpartum)!  *Update: I noticed it coming back around 5 months.  Phew!  
  • Three-month old babies are a lot easier than 2-month olds, and moms are also more confident then (at least I am)!
  • Currently: My son was sleeping great (9-11 hrs a night!) for about a month straight, and I thought I was the luckiest mom ever!  Then he began to roll from front to back a bunch, and would wake up when he did it while he was asleep (I know, scandalous, I let him sleep on his tummy) .  He almost seemed to go back to sleeping well, but then for the past month (5 mos-6 mos) he stopped sleeping through the night (back to 3 hr chunks, it seemed).  I thought maybe he was just learning new things, or that he was teething, but it didn't stop and baby Tylenol didn't seem to make a difference.  My current theory is that his little tummy isn't quite ready for solid food - During this bad-sleep month, I had started to feed him one veggie/fruit & rice meal a day (only about an ounce).  He was a great little eater, but I think it was bugging his digestion.  I have him back on only breastmilk for 48 hours now, and he's slept great and been happier for 2 days now (he just went down on night 2, and he went to sleep easier than he has been).  I'm going to continue skipping the solids for a few more weeks, and see if his night sleeping gets better again.  
  • To help him learn to be comfortable sleeping on his back, I've been doing what I call "cuddle feeds" that allow him to fall gently to sleep on his back: Instead of sitting in a rocking chair to feed him, I will lay down with him, and let him nurse away while I doze (I'm a super light sleeper, so no smother worries here).  Not only is this the BEST THING EVER because I get to take rests multiple times a day, if he needs more sleep, he will nod off after eating, and will end up sleeping on his back.  Amazingly, I think it's working, because he just squirmed/talked himself to sleep tonight, ending up on his side, and now his back!  Yay!

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